5 Things...

April 8, 2014

I've recently noticed that I needed a complete spring-cleaning, both in my closet as well as my personal life. Sometimes we get so caught up in our lives and the lives of others that we forget about growing ourselves. Just within these past few months, I have had a bridal shower, a bachelorette party, a wedding, work stress, birthdays and have forgotten about my own personal goals. I know that many of us are constantly dealing with the same distractions, so here is a reminder of 5 things that we can all continuously work on to better our lives!

1. Set Goals - Determine what goals (big or small) you would love to reach by the end of the month, and then what actions you're going to take to make them happen. We often get caught up in our own lives that we do not take the time in setting clear goals, create a plan, and then take all the necessary actions to accomplish them. Whether it may be to get in shape or even a job promotion, remember that all goals may start out small, but as we stay consistent with our actions and work hard, the outcome will be so rewarding!

2. Dedicate some "ME" Time - I used to love my commute from Orange Country to Los Angeles because I had an hour to think and reassess. Now, I realize more and more everyday how difficult it can be to find time for yourself. This month, try and set aside at least 15 minutes a day for "me" time. This can be a time for you to focus on yourself - to pray, go for a walk on your lunch break, read a book, online shopping, write down some thoughts (there's an inner blogger in you too!) or even simply just focus on your breathing - you'll be much happier throughout the day.

3. Reach out to Someone (old or new) - Connect with an old friend or go out and meet at least one new person this month. It's so important to surround yourself with friends and family that will support and love you through everything. So, rather than a text or Facebook message, pick up the phone and invite a friend out for a coffee or happy hour - make those personal interactions and build upon these relationships.

4. Get Good at Something - Pick one thing that you want to excel in and dedicate some time to hone in on those skills. Decide what you want to get good at, then focus on it, and give it your absolute best effort. 

5. Have Gratitude - Being grateful helps you look for the positive things in life rather than the negative that surrounds you. This month, spend a couple of minutes at the end of the day to reflect and be thankful for everything you have in your life, especially to live another day.

Happy Spring Cleaning!



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