
March 22, 2012

It's officially Spring and I can't help but be excited for the warm weather and sunshine! Why not welcome the new season with a little spring-cleaning to your own life? Here are a few simple reminders that will help keep you happy this Spring!

Be you. - Put your own happiness first. Try to remember that helping or pleasing everyone is impossible, but making one person smile can change the world in the simplest way.  Focus on being yourself, and in turn, you'll make others around you happy.

Learn from your experiences. - Your past experiences and life-lessons should help create a wonderful future.  If it's good, it's an amazing memory.  If it's bad, it's an experience.  Life is about learning and seeing how far you've come to accomplish your goals, so don't be afraid to fail. Move forward, and don't get stuck living in the past.

Follow your heart. - Find what's important to you. Keep life simple and enjoyable by doing what you know is right and what you love.  Don't live your life in regrets, but rather, do what your heart tells you.

Accept imperfection. - Smile every chance you get, not because life has been easy or perfect, but because you choose to be happy and grateful for everything you do have.  Life is not perfect, people are not perfect, and you are not perfect.  And that's the beauty of it; the world rewards those who work hard for what they want.

Believe in your dreams. - Remind yourself of who you are and what you want to be. The best thing you can do is to follow your heart and to take risks. Don't let others question your dreams, but continue to dream bigger and go after it!

Surround yourself with positive people. - Friends and family often shape who you are as a person. So, surround yourself with people you are proud to know, people you admire, and people who make your day brighter simply by being in it.  Life is precious, so spend it with positive people who love and support you through thick and thin.
my support system and best friends.
Happy Spring-cleaning! 



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