onto another amazing birthday & year with my favorite ladies <3 |
When writing your life's story, don't let someone else hold the pen for you. You're in complete control, so make choices and set goals that align with your values and dreams. You are the writer of your own life - the way you live each day is another sentence in your story...
1. Find your passion - Each day is a brand new page in your story, so find what you're passionate about, and go out and live it. Find what makes you happy, and become it. Once you find what it is that makes you come alive, do not be afraid to work hard to pursue your passion.
2. Keep moving forward - Never give up on yourself. Throughout life, you will experience many ups and downs, successes and hardships, happiness and sorrows - whatever they may be, remember to always learn from your experiences and keep moving forward. They will only make you stronger.
3. Live in the present - "Yesterday is history. Tomorrow a mystery. Today is a gift." Life is filled with so many incredible memories and experiences, so don't dwell on the past but rather enjoy your life as these moments unfold in front of you. You have an entire future to look forward to!
4. Appreciate the little things - Be thankful and appreciate all the wonderful things in your life. It will not only simplify your life, but it will keep you grounded. By being grateful and happy for all the little things that mean a lot to you, you will learn to appreciate the values of love and happiness.
5. Spend time with the people you love -Appreciate the people that love and care for you. Be thankful for all the beauty that surrounds you. Your friends and family have helped shape you into the person you are today, so remember to spend some time with the people you love. You'll be so glad you did! :D
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